Crathes Castle Garden’s Arbores

We were thrilled when Crathes Castle asked us to create their Arbore design in 2022, the 4 steel structures were constructed and transported to their final position in a tranquil spot in the midst of the grounds, with its beautiful gardens and walks within a vast 530-acre estate. The castle grounds stand against a backdrop of the rolling Aberdeenshire hills, providing a memorable experience with its towers, turrets and stories of its resident ghosts.
James Hannaford, the Head Gardener commented, “I was well pleased with them when they arrived but now they are in, they really are perfect & work with the garden design exactly. We will paint them a dark grey to tie in with the colour of the stone ball when it is wet. Each Arbore has two climbing roses planted at their feet now & they will be trained up the bars.”
Reid Wire love being involved with projects like this and watch them come to fruition. We can’t wait to see how they look when the garden is in full bloom and once the Roses have had a chance to grow around the structures.

Crathes Castle Arbores